Thursday, November 20, 2008


So I am all moved in, and have been working at my job for about 3 months now. It is going pretty well. I work with all girls, and have made a lot of friends through work. We are totally Sex in the City Portland style. I work at a little office in downtown in the Pearl district. It is awesome because there are tons of places to grab some food or cocktails with the girls after work. I work from 6am-2:30 pm, and have recently realized that I am now usually awake for 18 hours every day. I guess you can say that I am living life to the fullest!
If you wanna check out the company I am working for, go to
I like this city a whole lot. But, I am hating my appartment. It is sooo tiny and I have to share it with 2 roomates plus Zach. There is just not enough space! Specially because Kale brews beer, which equals many dirty dishes, and he plays gutar all the time. And Stefanie doesn't work at the time, and comes home late and noisy. I think now that I have lived alone, I can't do the roomie thing anymore. It is too messy ( and not my mess!)
I miss home a lot. I dream about my little sis, and our big family get togethers. I am never sure what house I put us in, but it is big!

I am going on break now!